UPDATED 5-10-23
Daisy & Allison are finally united and we could not be more than grateful to all of you who helped make this happen!
Daisy has been hard at work since the fall flutter training for Allison. She worked alongside Doug, her phenomenal trainer at Ultimate Canine and completed and passed all her test that will help Allison with her medical conditions. Daisy will not only provide comfort for Allison on her 'not so good days' but she is trained to properly notify mom and dad to make sure she can get the proper care right away if Daisy senses that something is wrong.
Daisy and Doug trained with Allison's family for a week before we arrived. To say that Daisy is a remarkable dog is an understatement. It was obvious the bond that Daisy and Allison already had after a week of being united and learning with each other. The commands that were taught to Allison the past 5 months to make sure their communication was in sync was nothing short of impressive. Daisy took to Allison as if she had been her fur companion since the beginning of time.
We are staying connected with Allison's family and get updated photos weekly, that will continue to be added to this blog at the bottom of the entry. It is truly amazing to see how much comfort she provides to Allison and we will continue to share their journey with all of you! Allison's mom told us that Allison sings to Daisy every night, and that they are two peas in a pod. They enjoy just lounging around, going to her brothers baseball games and just being in each others company. Check out the video below to see Daisy's first couple weeks with Allison.
The AI Memorial Foundation would like to thank all of our sponsors, supporters and donors. It is because of you that we were able to provide comfort and a piece of mind to Allison and her family.
We will continue to keep Antonella's legacy alive for years to come. We are working towards our mission to provide another child and their family with a service dog this year. We just had our spring Flower Sale and next up is our annual Fall Flutter that will be held on October 8th, 2024, SAVE THE DATE. It is promised to be a great time for the entire family to enjoy and we hope you can come out to support us in our mission!
Keep checking back with us on social media and our website for more information to come about our upcoming events!
Allison’s medical condition:
In June of 2016 Allison was diagnosed with DYRK1A syndrome. DYRK1A is characterized by intellectual disability including impaired speech development, autism spectrum disorder including anxious and/or stereotypic behavior problems, and microcephaly.
Most recently in July of 2022 Allison was diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a central nervous system (neurological) disorder in which brain activity becomes abnormal, causing seizures or periods of unusual behavior, sensations and sometimes loss of awareness.
The Best of Friends
Daisy will be an extension of Allison and they will do everything together! Daisy will join Allison in her daily activities of going to school, playing outside, sitting and watching tv and just being a kid. Daisy will sleep with her and be at her side which will provide comfort not only to Allison but to her family. Daisy will be able to alert surrounding adults when Allison is going through an episode or there is something ‘off’ in Allison’s mannerisms. This will become a blessing for an epileptic seizure can happen at any point, even during sleep, which is scary to think about and unfortunately has happened in the past to Allison.
Allison alongside her support team, which includes her Dad, Mom & siblings as well as her SLP and other therapist, will work on simple commands for Daisy and simple gestures so Allison and Daisy communicate and bond positively. This will help in both the growth and progression of Allison and Daisy as they start this journey together.
Daisy will be a huge asset to Allison and will provide her with unconditional love, comfort, and be an extra pair of eyes and ears. Daisy will be a constant in Allison’s world and we are so honored and proud that the AI Memorial Foundation in partnership with Ultimate Canine and most importantly, because of the support and generosity of all of you, were able to be a part of their journey.
Daisy will complete her training and will be given to Allison in the spring! At this time Daisy, with her trainer, will stay with Allison and her family for an entire week as they learn and adjust together! The AI Memorial Foundation will continue to stay connected with Allison and her family as they prepare for Daisy’s arrival and hopefully long after!!
MOST RECENT PHOTOS: Uploaded 7.16.23